
Now that you are educated and empowered, find out more about the safe houses you can equip.

All Things New

My people have been sold…We will Take Them Back

Now you know about the organization you will be equipping when you host a WRATH party! So get going!

Or if you’d like to simply donate money to the safe house, click below:

And here’s more about them:

All Things New presents the Hadassah House

The Hadassah House offers an unprecedented safe haven for women and who are victims of sex trafficking.  Hadassah House is the Hebrew namesake of the biblical Queen Esther, who interceded for her people being sold into slavery and annihilation.  We are a faith-based ministry providing shelter, protection, restoration, and rehabilitation for those we serve. The All Things New Campaign is dedicated to raising the awareness of the second largest and fastest growing dark crime of our time – the sex trafficking of human beings.  All Things New is our hope for the victims of sex trafficking whose lives have been taken.  Our mission is to take them back . .

What They Do

  • Offer unique two-year residential program
  • Each woman and is provided a mentor committed to their restoration
  • Life skills, medical services, Christian counseling, nutrition classes, job training, music and equine therapy, and opportunities for educational advancement
  • Drop-in centers providing safety in emergency situations
  • Raising awareness through speaking engagements, conferences, seminars and involvement in anti-human trafficking coalitions

What They Dream

The vision of All Things New Campaign, Incorporated is to see all of sex trafficking eradicated by joining forces with others who are dedicated to restoring the lives of women and children who have been sexually exploited.  To offer the very real hope of Jesus Christ’s words that all things can become new.  We envision a blanket of shelters networking across the United States ready to receive victims and to help them receive holistic healing from sexual trauma.  We also envision teams of men and women educating the public about the destruction caused by pornography, and how it intertwines with and feeds the demand for sex slaves, hopefully resulting in a decrease for demand.  Our vision includes developing a system of networks across the nation working hand in hand to create a safety net for all sex trafficking victims, and working to help shape and strengthen public policy regarding sex trafficking/prostitution.