Think slavery isn’t happening in America?  Think again…

WRATH is an organization dedicated to helping the everyday person do something to end slavery.

We are a network of  women created to continually equip safe houses with the funds needed to bring hope and restoration to rescued victims of human trafficking.


Educate – to educate the public about the atrocity of human trafficking

Empower – to empower every person who hears to have something they can do now to help

Equip – to equip safe houses with financial support so they can continue to restore the lives of human trafficking survivors

Vision – WRATH Parties

The WRATH Campaign utilizes a familiar networking system where sales of products occur during simple home parties. WRATH has created a network of similar parties aimed to educate, empower and equip. Any volunteer can host a simple, inexpensive party, where guests bring money to equip a local organization dedicated to restoring rescued victims of human trafficking. The host will be provided with information to educate her guests on the human trafficking crisis. The guests are now empowered to become advocates by scheduling their own party to educate and equip their communities.

Become a modern abolitionist-
Plan your WRATH event today!