
Become a modern-day abolitionist and plan your WRATH party today!

WRATH seeks to empower you to ACT. The following are ways you can help continually equip safe houses with financial donations to bring hope and restoration to rescued victims of human trafficking.   Below is a list of a few of the ways, but be creative! If you think of something not on this list, be empowered to do it.

WRATH Parties-the foundation of our network

WRATH has created a network of parties aimed to educate, empower and equip. Any volunteer can host a simple, inexpensive party, where guests bring money to help equip a local organization dedicated to restoring rescued victims of human trafficking. The host will be provided with information to educate her guests on the human trafficking crisis. The guests are now empowered to become advocates by scheduling their own party to educate and equip their communities. Find all the resources you need to begin your own party here.

WRATH Drives

Hold a donation drive with your school, church, business, or other organization.


Organize a walk.


Prevent events are fundraisers on a larger scale.  They can range from bigger in-home events, to music festivals, banquets, etc.  Be creative, and make a difference.